Aravali International School


It is the House System that enables to channelize the pent up energies of our pupils in the right direction and they will become competent enough to meet the school life with all complex activities with an undaunted enthusiasms and vigour.

One of the main objective of the House is to foster among the students a sense of collective responsibilities and solidarity and at the same time kindle and develop the creative qualities latent in every child. 

Each house is headed by student designated as House Captain Boy & Girl assisted by the House Master/Mistress. Inter - House competitions are organized and trophies are awarded to the best house, for the performance in curricular and co - curricular activities throughout the year. There are four Houses in the school:





School are assigned to a house and any change in such allocation will be discretion of the Principal.

To me the worst thing seems to be a school principally to work with methods of fear, force and artificial authority. The most important motive of work in school and in life is pleasure in work, pleasure in its result and the knowledge of the values of the result for the community – Albert Einstei